Make sex a five-level adventure
Why It’ll Work: You have a lot of tricks at your disposal when you slip between the sheets. Why not use them all? According to a study of 3,990 people at the University of Indiana, when couples performed four different sex acts (including different types of foreplay and vaginal penetration) the woman reached orgasm 76 percent of the time. With five acts, she reached orgasm 89 percent of the time. Here's the best part: Both oral and manual stimulation on the guy count as separate sex acts. Return the favor, and you're already two-thirds of the way there.
Stock up your wine collection
Why It’ll Work: You probably know that a glass or two of red wine with dinner each night is good for your heart. A study in Italy (where else?) found that it can also spice up your sex life. The researchers found that women who drank two glasses of red wine each day wanted sex more frequently and experienced better natural lubrication during sex than women who drank less often. The scientists believe the polyphenols in wine may help improve blood flow down below.
Hold her gaze
Why It’ll Work: Want her to know you're interested? Simply maintain eye contact. A study in the journal Psychological Sciencefound that women don't like it when you come right out and say you're into them; they prefer guys with a little mystery. Think of it like the show Lost: She spends more time thinking about you if your feelings are unclear. But a separate study at Purdue University determined that if you keep glancing off to the side while chatting up a woman, she'll interpret it as a lack of respect. The solution: Look her in the eye while she speaks (of course, it helps if you also listen), and when you speak, glance to a spot a little bit behind her head so you seem intrigued but not obsessed.
Let her finish first
Why It’ll Work: For guys, the goal of sex is generally to have sex—meaning vaginal intercourse—and reach orgasm. And while women want to have sex too, of course, a British study found that women were more likely to orgasm during foreplay than during intercourse. Put her over the top with manual stimulation (that is, using your hands and fingers), oral sex, or by using sex toys, and she'll return the favor on you.
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