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Thursday, 8 May 2014

Better Sex Tips

1. Like yourself naked.

Women who have the best sex lives feel good about their bodies, says Joy Davidson, PhD, a sex therapist in New York City and the author of Fearless Sex. "They see themselves as strong and sexy." Unfortunately, according to Berman, up to 80 percent of women in the United States suffer from a negative body image. "Typically, when a woman looks at herself, her eyes go straight to her problem areas," says Berman. "She carries that feeling into the bedroom, and when her partner's kissing her thighs, she's busy thinking.

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2. Make the mind-body connection.

Think about those moments in your life when you feel completely in tune with your body. Maybe it's after you finish a long run -- your blood is pumping and you're relaxed and exhilarated. Or perhaps it's when you do yoga and achieve a mind-body meld. Chances are, this doesn't happen often enough. "When a woman has a negative self-image, she tends to disconnect from how her body feels," says Berman. To reestablish the bond, do something that makes you feel good in your skin at least once a day -- treat yourself to a massage, go apple picking with your kids, wear the jeans that give you an ego boost the minute you slide them on. "Whenever you're tuned in to your body and what it's capable of, you're naturally more sensual," says Davidson.

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