Would you like to eliminate the emotional pain caused by your penis size when having sex? Imagine how you'd feel seeing your penis bigger in length and girth when aroused. Imagine the confidence you'd possess, knowing that you have this secret boost. When you use the time tested, and proven Pro-Largent Size formula that's what you can expect.
Would you like to eliminate the emotional pain caused by your penis size when having sex? Imagine how you'd feel seeing your penis bigger in length and girth when aroused. Imagine the confidence you'd possess, knowing that you have this secret boost. When you use the time tested, and proven Pro - LARGENT Size formula that's what you can expect.
diseases affect blood vessels. They restrict blood flow to organs such as the
heart, brain, and kidneys. In erectile dysfunction, vascular diseases restrict
blood flow to the penis. Vascular diseases may be responsible for causing ED in
as many as 50% to 70% of men who develop the condition.
of blood flow caused by a vascular disease is usually caused by a buildup of
cholesterol and other substances that may block blood vessels. In some men, the
blood vessels in the penis, and the rest of the body, may not function
properly. They may restrict blood flow when they're not supposed to. The good
news is that lifestyle measures and drug treatments typically work for types of
vascular disease that can cause erectile dysfunction.
smoking greatly increases the change of developing clogged arteries and
vascular disease. If you have erectile dysfunction, quitting smoking can help.
According to the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, a little over half of men experience erectile dysfunction (ED). At age 40, about 40 percent struggle with the condition, and by 70 years old, about 70 percent of men have ED.
Standard treatments include pharmaceutical medications, pumps, implants, and surgery, but many men prefer natural options. Fortunately, scientific research has found that some natural options are effective at improving symptoms of ED.
What Is Erectile Dysfunction?
Also called “impotence,” erectile dysfunction is a condition in which a man is unable to achieve or sustain an erection during sexual performance. Symptoms may also include reduced sexual desire or libido.
These kinds of issues can happen at any time, to any man mainly because of fatigue, stress, relationship issues, or even alcohol consumption. However, if the condition lasts for more than a few weeks or months, your doctor is likely to diagnose it as true ED, and will recommend treatments.
What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?
A number of different factors can increase your risk of ED. Since attaining an erection involves the brain, hormones, muscles, and blood vessels, a problem with any of these can block the normal functioning of the penis.
Some common causes of ED include:
heart disease
multiple sclerosis
tobacco use
A 2007 study found that persistent alcohol use induced ED as well. Seventy-two percent of men diagnosed with alcohol dependence syndrome were also diagnosed with sexual dysfunction, including premature ejaculation and ED.
Men are in general are not happy with their penis size. Studies conducted suggest that 75% of men are not satisfied with the size of their penis. Here are the statistics so you can compare:
Average Penis Length:
According to a survey published in year 2000 in Straits Times (Singapore) the flaccid penile circumference in South Asian males ranges from 3.14 to 4.13 inches and the flaccid penile length ranges from 2.36 to 4.92 inches. The erect penile circumference range from 3.66 to 5.11 inches and the erect penile length ranges from 3.74 to 5.70 inches.
It’s hard to tell how many guys suffer from the disorder, partly because, as Dr. Snyder indicates, men suffering from it are convinced they have a physical abnormality. Likewise, they’re far more likely to consult a surgeon than a mental health professional.
Size Matters:
Penises come in different sizes, shapes, and colors. These traits are hereditary, like eye color or foot size, and there’s nothing you can do to change them. Despite what you may hear or read, no special exercises, supplements, or diets will speed up the development process or change a man’s size. Also, like his feet, a man’s penis may appear smaller to him just because the perspective is different when he’s looking down. And there’s a lot less difference in penis size between men when they get an erection than when their penises are relaxed.
The problem is that there hasn’t been much standardization in hormone testing, particularly regarding T levels. Different labs use different methods (and measurements), which has only created confusion among consumers and even family doctors about what testosterone level results even mean.
Hopefully, the current state of confusion will soon change. The Center for Disease Control here in the U.S. started a project in 2010 to get labs to agree on standard hormone testing procedures. It’s slowly gaining ground, but not every lab has signed on.
I also learned that the bottom range of what’s considered “normal” by many doctors is actually woefully underestimated. Doctors are telling men who come to them with symptoms of low testosterone, “Well, you’re barely within normal range, but it’s still normal, so… you’re fine!
Total and Free Testosterone Levels
Before we begin, I want to reiterate the fact that there are three different types of testosterone floating in your body: free testosterone, SHBG-bound testosterone, and albumin-bound testosterone. When you get tested, there are two tests you can get: total testosterone and free testosterone.
Total testosterone is the total amount of T floating in your blood at the time of the test: free, SHBG-bound, and albumin-bound combined. Total testosterone is typically measured in ng/dl, or nanograms per decilitre.
Are you looking for a fast, permanent male enlargement solution?
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You may laugh, joke and pretend to be happy, but not for long can You forget your secret fear - the one personal attribute about which You can never be sure. Your virility. Your sexual prowess. Failure to please yourself or your partner. Admit that the physical powers of the instrument of love are on the wane. Weak erections. Mediocre performance.
Sex. The word can evoke a kaleidoscope of emotions. From love, excitement, and tenderness to longing, anxiety, and disappointment—the reactions are as varied as sexual experiences themselves. What's more, many people will encounter all these emotions and many others in the course of a sex life spanning several decades.
But what is sex, really?
On one level, sex is just another hormone-driven bodily function designed to perpetuate the species. Of course, that narrow view underestimates the complexity of the human sexual response. In addition to the biochemical forces at work, your experiences and expectations help shape your sexuality. Your understanding of yourself as a sexual being, your thoughts about what constitutes a satisfying sexual connection, and your relationship with your partner are key factors in your ability to develop and maintain a fulfilling sex life.
For men this is his real asset if you are embarrassed with your short penis girth and feel awkward to talk about it and are not able to give 100 % to your lady, it’s time to keep all your worries at bay.Pro Largent Size can surely help you through.
Every man wants bigger, thicker hard-ons. And who doesn’t want to last longer in bed. Our exclusive formula will change your whole perspective. Look bigger, perform better, and walk with more confidence in your step.
Would you like to eliminate the emotional pain caused by your penis size when having sex? Imagine how you'd feel seeing your penis bigger in length and girth when aroused. Imagine the confidence you'd possess, knowing that you have this secret boost. When you use the time tested, and proven Pro - LARGENT Size formula that's what you can expect.
"Pro - LARGENT Size " is a tested, doctor approved penis enlargement product. The experienced research and development team of Pro Largent Size has done meticulous research and has developed all natural product that effectively increases the size and thickness of the penis. The ingredients are carefully selected and measured for their natural ability to have positive, safe and desirable effects. "
The results:
After the 1st dosage - longer erection, energy increase.
After 3 weeks – the length of the penis increase, better control over prejaculation.
After 1-2 months - bigger penis size up to an inch or two.
After 3-6 months - bigger penis up to 3 inches, powerful orgasm, Longer and thicker penis even when relaxed.
This Pro - LARGENT Size formula increaeses the blood flow to your penis and in turn naturaly stretches the walls of your penis (the corpora cavernosa). This process increases the amount of blood your penis can hold allowing to get bigger, harder, and last longer.
For men this is his real asset if you are embarrassed with your short penis girth and feel awkward to talk about it and are not able to give 100 % to your lady, it’s time to keep all your worries at bay.Pro Largent Size can surely help you through.
Every man wants bigger, thicker hard-ons. And who doesn’t want to last longer in bed. Our exclusive formula will change your whole perspective. Look bigger, perform better, and walk with more confidence in your step. Quit trying out unproven methods and start here.
Testosterone isn’t the only fuel for a man’s sex drive and
performance. But low testosterone can reduce your ability to have
satisfying sex. Lack of sex drive and erectile dysfunction are sexual
problems that can result from low testosterone. If low testosterone is
the cause, treating it can help.
haven’t unraveled the mystery of just how testosterone increases
libido. It’s normal for a man’s sex drive to slowly decline from its
peak in his teens and 20s, but libido varies widely between men. What
one man might consider a low sex drive, another might not. Also, sex drive changes within each man over time and is affected by stress, sleep, and
opportunities for sex. For these reasons, defining what’s a “normal”
sex drive is next to impossible. Usually, the man himself identifies a
lack of sex drive as a problem. Other times, his partner may consider it
to be an
Low testosterone symptoms don’t always include
feeling like you have no sex drive. Some men maintain sexual desire at
relatively low testosterone levels. For other men, libido may lag even
with normal testosterone levels. Low testosterone is one of the possible
causes of low libido, however. If testosterone is lowered far enough,
virtually all men will experience some decline in sex drive.
In a large study of men in Massachusetts, about 11% overall said they
had a lack of sex drive. The researchers then tested all the men’s
testosterone levels. About 28% of men with low testosterone had low
libido. These men were relatively young, with an average age of 47;
older men might have worse sexual symptoms.
Low testosterone is only one of the causes of low libido. Stress,
sleep deprivation, depression, and chronic medical illnesses can also
sap a man’s sex drive.
Low Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction
Surprisingly, low testosterone by itself rarely causes erectile
dysfunction, or ED. Low testosterone alone — with no other health
problems — accounts for a small minority of men with erectile
dysfunction. Erection problems are usually caused by
atherosclerosis — hardening of the arteries. If damaged, the tiny blood
vessels supplying the penis can no longer dilate to bring in the strong
flow needed for a firm erection. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and high
cholesterol are the three main causes of atherosclerosis and erectile
At the same time, low testosterone is a frequent accomplice to
atherosclerosis in creating erectile dysfunction. In studies, as many as
one in three men mentioning ED to their doctor have
low testosterone. Experts believe that in men with other factors causing
erectile dysfunction, low testosterone can strongly contribute, making a
difficult situation even worse.
Strengthening the connection, low testosterone is linked in some way
with many of the conditions that lead to erectile dysfunction:
Metabolic syndrome
Endothelial dysfunction
Although low testosterone isn’t known to cause them, the associations
between other medical conditions and low testosterone can be
Testosterone therapy improves sex drive and
satisfaction with sex in many men. However, the long-term risks and
benefits of testosterone replacement are unknown. Research trials on
testosterone replacement in men are ongoing, although results are years
The best way to ensure that you are always ready for the joys of sex is to keep your body in good physical condition. There’s no need to lift heavy weights, as that may even be detrimental to your performance in the bedroom.Instead, stay active, take the stairs instead of the elevator, get out to the coffee shop every morning, take a walk and breathe the fresh outdoor air, ride a bicycle or spinning cycle at home, eat fruits and vegetables and don’t spend too much time in front of the TV or engrossed in a spy thriller novel. Keep up with your dating image and stand tall, keep the ladies guessing.
Communication is the key. You can’t have great sex if your woman is unwilling or unable. It is normal for libido levels to decrease with age.Your sexual expectations of days gone by may no longer work for either of you. Topical treatments and just getting her to focus on her own sexual gratification can open up a whole new world of sexual delight for both of you.
Get rid of your old routine all together, and embark on a new kind of sex life that’s appropriate for the two of you now.Try morning sex or a little “afternoon delight.” Your blood flow may be better, and your bodies and minds will not revert to old ingrained scenarios and difficulties. Spend a couple of hours at it, if you have the time.Get each other relaxed and comfortable in bed together. Talk, touch and romance her. Deal with every little objection or concern as it comes along, and take things slowly.
This Pro - LARGENT Size formula increaeses the blood flow to your penis and in turn naturaly stretches the walls of your penis (the corpora cavernosa). This process increases the amount of blood your penis can hold allowing to get bigger, harder, and last longer.
Why It’ll Work: You have a lot of tricks at your disposal when you slip between the sheets. Why not use them all? According to a study of 3,990 people at the University of Indiana, when couples performed four different sex acts (including different types of foreplay and vaginal penetration) the woman reached orgasm 76 percent of the time. With five acts, she reached orgasm 89 percent of the time. Here's the best part: Both oral and manual stimulation on the guy count as separate sex acts. Return the favor, and you're already two-thirds of the way there.
Why It’ll Work:You probably know that a glass or two of red wine with dinner each night is good for your heart. A study in Italy (where else?) found that it can also spice up your sex life. The researchers found that women who drank two glasses of red wine each day wanted sex more frequently and experienced better natural lubrication during sex than women who drank less often. The scientists believe the polyphenols in wine may help improve blood flow down below.
Why It’ll Work: Want her to know you're interested? Simply maintain eye contact. A study in the journal Psychological Sciencefound that women don't like it when you come right out and say you're into them; they prefer guys with a little mystery. Think of it like the show Lost: She spends more time thinking about you if your feelings are unclear. But a separate study at Purdue University determined that if you keep glancing off to the side while chatting up a woman, she'll interpret it as a lack of respect. The solution: Look her in the eye while she speaks (of course, it helps if you also listen), and when you speak, glance to a spot a little bit behind her head so you seem intrigued but not obsessed.
Why It’ll Work: For guys, the goal of sex is generally to have sex—meaning vaginal intercourse—and reach orgasm. And while women want to have sex too, of course, a British study found that women were more likely to orgasm during foreplay than during intercourse. Put her over the top with manual stimulation (that is, using your hands and fingers), oral sex, or by using sex toys, and she'll return the favor on you.
For men this is his real asset if you are embarrassed with your short penis girth and feel awkward to talk about it and are not able to give 100 % to your lady, it’s time to keep all your worries at bay.Pro Largent Size can surely help you through.
Every man wants bigger, thicker hard-ons. And who doesn’t want to last longer in bed. Our exclusive formula will change your whole perspective. Look bigger, perform better, and walk with more confidence in your step.
No man is an island, and it turns out neither is his penis. New research suggests that size does matter (sorry, guys), but the penis is only one (sometimes) small contributor to manly allure. A man's overall attractiveness to a woman, researchers have found, depends in part on the trio of height, body shape, and penis size.
An increase in penis size was also a bigger benefit to attractiveness, and a smaller penis was less of a detriment, to the taller, fitter figures than it was to shorter orpotato-shaped ones. For example, a model that was 185 cm tall (about 6 ft) with a 7-cm-long (about 3-in-long) penis got an average score for attractiveness. To get that same score, a model that was 170 cm (about 5'6") needed a penis of about 11 cm (about 4.5 in) in length. Boost the taller guy's penis by just about centimeter, and the shorter guy needs double that to keep up and get the same attractiveness score. After that, the shorter male pretty much can't continue to compete. To really reap the benefits of a big penis, a guy needs to be attractive in the first place, Mautz says. If he isn't, even the biggest penis in the world won't do him that much good.
So have women been responsible for the male penis getting larger—at least over the course of evolution? That's a distinct possibility, the researchers say. Women may have selected for larger penises because they're linked to higher rates of female orgasm and sexual satisfaction, which may explain why the human penis is proportionally larger than those of our evolutionary cousins.
Sex should be something to which you look forward. foreplay is what gets you excited and anticipating the main event. It doesn’t have to be limited to the 15 minutes before you’d like to have sex. You could start the day with sexy text messages (think MMS with a revealing photo or an e-mail expressing how hot your husband looked as you both left for work).
This might seem like an obvious tip, but you’d be surprised by the number of married people who get stuck in a rut by performing the same combination of positions over and over again. There is more to sex than missionary and woman on top. You might try reverse cowboy or doggy style or a move you have seen on TV – or anything Sting has talked about doing. The point is to try a new sexual solution and see if you and your husband or wife enjoy it.
3.Use toys or lubricant to enhance the experience.
There’s nothing wrong with bringing a vibrator to bed with you or simply more stimulating. Some couples enjoy browsing at sex shops together to find items that would improve their sex life. Everything from chocolate body paints to whips and chains is available these days, and with your husband or wife you shouldn’t feel embarrassed. But you should discuss what kinds of things would appeal to both of you and neither of you should feel forced to participate if you’re not comfortable.
This isn’t just another enhancement product…Prolargentsize. It’s a total system that uses proven techniques and ingredients, a proven ‘system’ to permanently enlarge and improve your most important sexual asset.
There is a certain level of comfort and pleasure that comes with sex– your run of the mill married sex. You shouldn’t be ashamed if that works for you. When your sex life seems to be stuck or you feel like you’re trying too hard, you should return to the basics – the positions and foreplay that have always worked for your husband or wife and you. If it ain’t broke, after all, you shouldn’t fix it.
There is a technique mentioned in the Kama Sutra for delaying ejaculations that basically comes down to training yourself to last longer,” says Harper. She instructs men to start slowly—with no more than one “in/out” stroke every three seconds. “He should then build more strokes slowly over the course of 4 or 5 minutes, until he is moving one stroke per second.” If the man starts to feel like he is going to come, he should stop and “hold himself inside his partner until he feels in control again. Then he begins the whole process again.”
“Performance anxiety is the number one killer of sustaining an erection,” says sex coach Dr. Patti Britton, a board-certified Clinical Sexologist. “Shift your thinking to a more confident inner voice, as opposed to a worried voice.” Britton explains that a “self-debilitating mindset” is what shuts guys down. “When you begin to feel anxiety, the strategy is to stop, take a breath, and then focus on how things feel in the body. Stay out of your head and get into your body—focus on the feelings that your body is producing for you.”
“Instead of the fast-paced jack-hammering style that many men are so fond of, try taking your time,” says Toyooka. Sex at a slower pace leads to a more connected experience for both people. “It’s more sensual because you are caressing and exploring the rest of her body. Kiss her neck, nuzzle her ear, let your hands gently explore her body,” she says. The most important thing to keep in mind that will help you last longer?
4. Use Professional Male Enhancement Pills
When you are sexually aroused, your brain releases a hormone causing blood to enter the penis and fill your erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa). The cells in the Corpora Cavernosa are filled with blood until an erection is achieved. Pro - LARGENT Size ™will increase the capacity limit of the Corpora Cavernosa thus allowing more blood to enter the cavern creating a longer and thicker erection.
Pro - LARGENT Size ™ stimulates cell growth within the corpora cavernosa itself. An increase in cells allows for more blood to enter the penis making the penis larger and the erection more intense.
Pro - LARGENT Size ™ 's active ingredients have been shown to improve men's libido, sexual function and maintain healthy testosterone levels. Pro - LARGENT Size ™ ensures that you are always ready to perform!!!
“If you feel that continued deep thrusting will bring on an all-too-quick orgasm, try penetrating only the lower portion of her vagina—in other words, take more shallow thrusts,” says Toyooka. “Also, alternating between shallow and deep thrusts can make you last longer, and will also make the experience a lot more fun!”